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Book Reviews: Kimono, and Geisha

Updated: Oct 25, 2020

Over the years Ohio Kimono has amassed a truly impressive and large collection of books dedicated to kimono, Geisha, Oiran, and other interesting Japanese topics. Some of those books stand out from the others are truly noteworthy, and we would like to encourage others to also read these books. There is ample misinformation out there about kimono, and geisha and quality books will help to dispel misinformation and myths.

One of the books included in our reviews is 'The book Of Kimono'. In general this book is regarded as the ideal book for anyone new to dressing themselves in kimono and wearing a kimono. While people may differ on specific aspects of kimono dressing techniques, 'The Book Of Kimono' is generally a solid starting point for anyone interested in learning about Japanese kimono. Know of a great book? Submit it to us! Just visit the contact us page and send in your suggestion.

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