Summer might be coming to an end, however, our selection of authentic vintage yukata directly imported from Japan beg to differ. We have well over 50 vintage and brand new yukata that arrived from Japan over a week ago which are ready to be added to our online store, and offered to you all. The styles of the yukata vary greatly: ranging from traditional and retro to modern and new. As with most of our kimono, these yukata are a one and done deal, so if you want to have your pick of the newest stock we recommend visiting our online kimono store post-haste! Once a yukata or kimono is sold out, it is unlikely that we will never import another kimono like it again.
Additional restock for this week includes a selection of beautiful sensu and folding fans, ready for you to collect. Our gently used sense offer you the chance to get your hands onto the style of folding fan used in Japan for dancing and performing at a fraction of the cost. These kinds of fans are not commonly used for cooling off in Japan, so much as they are used in dancing and performing. The folding fans themselves are often a paper and wood construction and are balanced and weighted to do tricks with. If you have ever seen a geisha or maiko perform while using a beautiful fan in their dance, you have most likely seen a sensu.
Mixed among the latest Japanese fans is one of particular interest. There is a pearly pink and grey sensu which features in golden foil the mon of a major school of Japanese traditional dance: Hanayagi. So if you are a student of the school, or just an eager fan with a collectors eye you will most certainly want to check out this delightful treasure. Much like our traditional kimono, many of the fans we get in stock are extremely limited and once they are sold out we won't get others like it in the future.
With summer slowly coming to a close we will be moving away from focusing our restocking on yukata and other summer attire from Japan. We will begin moving back into focusing on lined Japanese kimono, juban, and warmer attire to layer with your kimono such as haori. So if you have been eagerly awaiting a restock of more formal kimono types, and kimono for cooler weather you will soon be in luck!
For you yukata fans out there, snatch up your favorite vintage yukata while you can! During the colder weather we will offer some light yukata restock, but will be much more focused on kimono for cooler weather.
Be certain to check back throughout this week as we work on restocking the online kimono store, and catching up with all of our orders. There is ample behind the scenes work taking place to improve our website, customer service, and restock the site. Thank you all for your patience, we hope you like the newest selection of yukata, kimono, and fans!