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This elegant vintage black tomesode has a traditional Japanese theme composed Japanese drums which have a crane on them, the drums are featured against flowers. Kurotomesode are considered highly formal attire for married women, and is most commonly worn with a juban under it, and a fukuro obi atop. 

This kimono is in the style of ro, lightweight and sheer for summer. It also features some white false layers in ro.


  • KuroTomesode Condition: B+, overall great condition without noteworthy flaws that impact ear or presentation.
  • Wrist To Wrist: 52 in - 132.08 cm
  • Back Width: 25.5 in - 64.77 cm
  • Length: 64.5 in - 163.83 cm
  • Collar: Full (is worn folded in half with an erishin)
  • Mons: 5
  • Liner: Full, this tomesode also has a false layer in a ro style. A juban is still advised.


Japanese kimono and their accessories have their own formalities and should be cordinated accordingly.

Black KuroTomesode

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