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This vintage silk juban features a gradient fabric that shifts between white and a soft purple. The fabric of this juban features plum blossoms. Juban are worn under kimono as a protective layer to prevent sweat and body oils from getting onto the kimono and staining it. Typically this kind of juban is worn by women.


  • Juban Condition: B, this juban has minor flaws that have no impact on wear or presentation when under a kimono. This juban needs a haneri.
  • Wrist To Wrist: 50.5 in - 128 cm
  • Back Width:  25.5 in - 65 cm
  • Juban Length: 51.5 in - 131 cm
  • Lined: Yes
  • Collar: Half

Take the time to explore our online Japanese kimono store. We have a selection of over 1,000 kimono in stock ranging from yukata to furisode. Additionally we offer a selection of accessories such as haori, obi, and juban.

White & Purple Juban

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