Ohio Kimono started back in 2009 and quickly became a family wide endeavor. Many of our customers have come to know our family as we have worked for years at various shows around the midwest and east coast. A common figure at most shows was Brandyn who was the oldest son in our little family. Time has slipped by, and where once a young teenager now stands a man who has graduated High School and is moving forward onto his own path in life. In Hgih School he was a leader in the JROTC program, who earned many awards. Today Brandyn has departed to join the military and begin bootcamp. He has enlisted into the Army, and is going into the medical field. It was nice to celebrate Christmas with him before he left. Now? We will miss having him with us at shows, and the energy he brought with him. Brandyn had many friends at cons, and was a rather popular figure. Here is to his new career, and a prosperous adulthood.