Loyalty DISCOUNT Bags! We finally have done it! We finally have changed over to reusable Earth-friendly bags to give out to our customers! These stylish bags will not only help our customers out at cons, but also award our customers 5% off any kimono purchase for ALL of 2017! Just bring the bag back with you for all kimono purchases with us in 2017!
To get a bag, simply spend $20 or more with Ohio Kimono at a con or festival! See you next at #JAFAX this weekend where we will have 150+ kimono in stock, prices starting at only $30! Friday night we are also teaching a kimono 101 class!
We will also soon have DELUXE bags for purchases over $100!
#kimono #japanesekimono #kimonoforsale #japanesekimonoforsale #michigankimono #chicagokimono #indianakimono #ohiokimono #adultkimonoforsale #antiquekimono #antiqueobi #antiqueobiforsale #buyakimono #buyobionline #buyobi #buykimonos #casualkimono #japanesekimonocosplay #japaneserobeforsale #japaneserobe #japaneseobi #kimonocoat #kimonofashion