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Kimono Lady
Oct 11, 2017
Kimono Dressing Demonstration & Lecture
Join us on Oct 16th @ 7pm for a free public lecture about traditional Japanese kimono, and a dressing demonstration. Topics covered in...

Kimono Lady
Sep 29, 2017
Announcement: We are expanding to the west coast!
We have some really exciting new to share! We have finished securing a new warehouse on the west coast! That is right! We have a new...

Kimono Lady
Sep 28, 2017
NEW! Maiko katsura wig!
We recently added a new katsura wig to our online kimono store! This wig is interesting, as most people are use to seeing only the bridal...

Kimono Lady
Sep 25, 2017
Kimono Theme Introduction: Hakata
The hakata design is fairly wide spread, and found commonly on obi and date jime worn by any gender as casual attire. The hakata design...

Kimono Lady
Sep 22, 2017
Change To Our Shipping Policy
As our online kimono store has grown and we take on more shows to sell at, we are struggling to find a rhythm for shipping our online...

Kimono Lady
Mar 1, 2016
Announcing: Buffalo Cherry Blossom Festival!
Ohio Kimono is excited to announce that we have just been confirmed and accepted at the Buffalo Cherry Blossom Festival in New York. We...
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