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Introduction: Asanoha Theme

Japanese kimono are rich in symbolism and almost every decoration on them has a meaning. The Asanoha design is a prevalent and common theme found in various Japanese arts. Over the years we have sold kimono, obi, haori, juban, tabi socks, obi makura, and more with the Asanoha design on them. This design looks like the 6 point star or geometric flower. What does this design represent? The Asanoha design is the Japanese hemp leaf design. The pattern is generally geometric. Though named after the Asa plant (Japanese hemp) the design is mostly considered to be geometric in nature.

When is it acceptable to wear this theme? This theme is suitable to wear all year. This theme is great to have in any collection due to how it can be worn all year long. However the design does not excuse the nature of the garment. For example you would not wear a ro nagoya obi with a Asanoha design on it in the dead of a cold winter.

Example: See below.

Asanoha hanhaba obi

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